DevInsights: Uncover the world of developers, DevOps, AI, and technology through expert insights and articles.
This project is an experiment to see how a modern app, with features like auth, subscriptions, API routes, and static pages would work in Next.js 13 app dir.
Dev Insights offers a range of features designed to empower developers and improve their workflow:
Server and Client Components. Use hook.
ORM using Prisma and deployed on PlanetScale.
UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.
Authentication using NextAuth.js and middlewares.
Free and paid subscriptions using Stripe.
Unlock all features including unlimited posts for your blog.
Billed Monthly
DevInsights is a demo app. You can test the upgrade and won't be charged.
Dev Insights is committed to open-source principles. Our code is available on GitHub.